What you need:
- plastic cups
- one 6-sided die
- beer
is a simple, fun game to learn. First, line up 6 empty cups
(standard issue red solo
party cups will do). You can number these if you'd like, or
simply just put them in a row.
Next, hand out a cup to each player, and fill these to the top
with beer.
Players take turns rolling the die. Each number on the die corresponds
to the "play" cups that were
first set up.
Only one of two things may happen:
If the cup number that is rolled is empty, the player pours
as much beer as they want into that cup.
(2) If the cup has beer in it already, the roller must drink
Each player rolls until they reach an empty cup. It is possible
to have to drink all 6 cups of beer by
yourself in one turn!
Very simple, yet very fun. Nothing like filling a beer all the
way to the top, only to have to chug
it yourself the next time around.
Sloppy Roller Rule: If at any point the dice
falls off the table, the roller takes a drink and must re-roll.
It may also be interesting to make the sloppy roller become
the 3-man.
Go see our drinking game home page for
PinkyMcDrinky - a 2 player game